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My Marketing NotesWell it’s vacation time and I decided to write up a nice and light newsletter on a few things that I have been watching for the past month. I am heading on vacation this summer so, like everyone else, I am trying to get a ton of professional and personal tasks completed before our family leaves for a camping vacation to the beach. I have my hands full with a bunch of marketing ideas and campaigns for my business. One thing that I have realized in the past year is that when you have created a product like our Local Information Utility, you need to commit as much effort in marketing the product as you do creating the product. I have recognized that being and staying connected today is a lot of work whether it’s for business or personal. Information is being consumed at an alarming rate and people have a short attention span. So your message in any situation needs to be short and to the point. I am very techy in nature and in a sales and marketing scenario the techy talk does not work that well. As a business person I have a couple of great avenues to be able to meet people and chat on a professional and a personal level. I am comfortable with beginning conversations on a personal level and letting the chat take its course.
This leads to me and the person I am talking to getting comfortable and “what we do” or “what we sell” comes out naturally. So I think the goal is to be yourself at all times and try not to talk or look-like something that you are not. This leads into the development of some great soft skills which is an additional asset for any professional. One soft skill that is very important to me is to first listen to the person you are talking to.
Recently, I found a group called Sip.Chat.Connect (SCC) and it’s bringing Nova Scotia businesses together at local café’s or professional centres to chat about business. Founded by Charlie Aubie in the 2011, the Sip.Chat.Connect meetings are totally relaxing and everyone is very open to conversation. The SCC goal is to create a living and expanding network of businesses that not only meet together, but work together, to build a community of expertise for everyone to grow and learn from. They have weekly meet-ups in a variety of locations across mainland Nova Scotia and I see it spreading to other parts of the province. Note, the weekly meet ups are free to attend and are open to any business.
As Charlie puts it, “It's about shaking hands, asking questions, and making connections. We have so much to offer here, in this great province.” Charlie is so right! We have a wealth of untapped potential here in the province. The Nova Scotia business community is smart, innovative, and full of free thinkers that know what it takes to run a small business in Nova Scotia. Please check out their website. Follow SCC
Techy Things We're has certainly created some buzz! Our Analyst and creator Phil Schnetzer shared some stats with me last week. His Google Analytics numbers show for the first month after launched there were 5586 visitors to the site and there were 16594 page views. These are great numbers for a one month launch.
Our partner, Gerry Watson, has been working with us on the development of a web based permit tracking system for small local government. We have officially named this product PermitLogix. Local government staff will never have to deal with managing “the paper trail” again. Permitlogix is fully customizable and we can consume your current permit requirements so you do not have to change the way you do things. The PermitLogix web interface will work with any major mobile OS using a standard data connection.
Also, Gerry works with businesses to develop interactive web sites such as the one he just created for the Middle Sackville Baptist Church, check it out
Speaking of Cloud, another business partner, Annapolis Valley Computers, is part of a new dynamic way for IT managers across the globe to manage thousands of corporate desktops without the infrastructure, hassle, or expense. They have partnered with Faktor11 of Ontario to offer their MokaFive desktop management solution. This solution that can run on any hardware platform. . . Mac or PC, desktop or laptop, personal- or corporate-owned. But can still be integrated into an enterprise Windows environment. Welcome to the new era!
Don't Forget, If your in the Halifax area and would like to network please check out my calendar at Meet Up Halifax.
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